Aida’s Tech Week


With the upcoming start date of the school play, Aida on March 2nd, this week will be a rehearsal week, known as “tech week”. The rehearsal is a combination of all different wings of the show, combining all groups for the first time in preparation for the real showings of the play.

  Tech week can always be stressful for the actors, and everyone else involved. Yet at the end of the week, it is looked back upon as a precursor to great fun and memories. Tech week is a great sort-of “sample” rehearsal, in order to get all of the bugs, and other issues worked out, while making sure that everyone knows what they are doing.

  The students involved with tech week are all on edge during the week, to try and make sure that the rehearsal goes as smooth as planned, and when it doesn’t  sometimes, things get emotional and become personal.

  “I always love the tech week rehearsals because it is like a peak at what is coming up soon,” said Thomas Gonzales (11)

  “Being apart of tech week for anybody can get them stressed out no matter how much, or how little they do,” said Ian Panela (11), when asked about the emotional factors facing the show’s final stages of preparation.

  “I can’t wait to see how good the show works out after all of this, it seems like everyone is putting 100% (of their effort) into this show,” said Chloe Fuller (11).

  Many involved are all ready to begin tech week, but by the end some are tired out and do not always want to continue pushing; yet they have to in order put on a successful play. Although there have been other rehearsals already, this is special.

  Since tech week is always the last rehearsals before openings, it is the biggest, and longest rehearsal involving the most crew, and it is like a pre-game for everyone involved. Tensions are high, emotions are flowing, and the curtains are opening.