Bringing The Vegas Spirit to Heritage

Imagine walking through Las Vegas,  surrounded by casinos, music, people, and action. This is what the vibe of homecoming spirit week will feel like this year. Kaylin Johnson and many others think that the spirit week themes for homecoming were a great choice.
    “I really like the themes that were chosen this year, I think that they will make homecoming more exciting, especially with the whole Las Vegas theme.” says Johnson.
   Johnson, along with many others, is planning to participate in this exciting event. She thinks that it will be fun, she says “it will be interesting to see how people are dressing for the different days of the week.”
   Overall, many people liked the beach/pirate day the best because they feel as if it will be the easiest one to participate in. Elizabeth Moss, who is part of leadership says that many people will participate on this certain day.
    “This year is different, the homecoming will be different, maybe even better. That’s why I think many of the students are going to participate and dress up during spirit week, which is good. That’s what we want,” said Moss.
   Moss is going to participate along with all of the other students, she thinks that she will be setting an example, which hopefully gets more people to participate this year.  She even decided to wear a onesie for one of the days.
   “I really like the themes this year, I’m not entirely sure how they were even picked. We just wanted to try something different and Las Vegas is definitely a good choice when it comes to a dance, that’s what the city is all about.”
   Leilani Staples, who is also a part of leadership,  participated along with everyone else.  This was a big deal to her, so she encouraged everyone she knew to participate during the spirit week.
   “You all need to participate this week, it will be fun.  You are finally given a chance to do something different, so you should take it.  It also looks good for your grade, after all you can earn spirit points for a chance to win a pizza party.  So I definitely think you should participate.” says Staples.