Photo By Aiden Alcayde
Homecoming season is back. On Thursday, September 21st, at 7 pm, Heritage studentsgathered on the bleachers at the football field for the Homecoming rally.The rally brought together kids from all grades, teachers, and even some parents. The goal ofthe rally was to build school spirit since everyone was highly anticipating the Homecomingdance.“The rally got me ready for the upcoming homecoming events and helped me get into themood and energy for homecoming. I was hyped,” said Tatyana Ohdiambo (10).The rally began with a burst of energy from Heritage’s various school clubs and some fungames. The clubs walked across the track one by one, receiving loud cheers from the crowd inthe bleachers and a series of amusing games were hosted for students to participate in. Thesegames included, water gun fights and a fun balloon popping game.Around this time, each grade levels themed floats were revealed to the crowd. The floats werepulled across the track by leadership students. Students had been coming in after school all weekto help build the floats. The freshman’s float theme was Toy Story, sophomores was It, juniorswas Pirates of The Carribean, and seniors was Jurassic Park.“We have been coming in from straight after school until eight or nine pm, so it takes a lot ofhours,” said Ella Eustachy (12).In addition to this, the rally featured a variety of enjoyable performances from the dance, cheer,and hip-hop teams. The dance team kicked it off with a mesmerizing performance. Then thecheer team followed with their energetic routine. Lastly, Heritage’s hip-hop team made a grandentrance that left the crowd on their feet.“The hip-hop team did really well, and it was really fun to watch,” said Paige Maher (10).The rally ended with the announcement of the winners of Heritage’s homecoming court. Thenominees were dressed in elegant attire and driven by staff across the track in golf carts. Gradeby grade the kings and queens were announced. The winners from each grade were AylaOcampo (9), Tyson Powell (9), Brooklyn Braswell (10), Pari Wahab (10), Marvin Reyes (11)Melea Easiley (11), Sam Chao (12), and Dede Basa (12).