Elan Musk, Creator of Tesla, Space X, and owner of X, formally known as twitter, has beentaking years to develop his Neuralink device. Reports say these past weeks have shown greatsuccess in using the Implant in the first human subject. While Neuralink has been in the worksfor years now, people fear its capabilities are overpassing humanity’s normality.
But what exactly is the Neuralink? It’s essentially a small chip hinged with small wires at theend of it. The casing holds together a battery the size of a coin. The implant is surgicallyimplanted through cutting a small circular hole in the skull of the subject and inserting the chipinto the brain. The thread inserted into your brain contains about 1024 electrodes and isdistributed across 64 threads.
“It’s different, I can’t say I’m excited but I’m very impressed,” said Md Bhuiyan (11)
The future of Neuralink seems very promising however, giving people the ability totelepathically control almost any technological platform. It also can create more impactfulhuman abilities, using your brain. The implant uses the neurons in the brain to essentially givedisabled people the ability to move one’s limbs using the implant.
A few weeks ago, a test patient underwent a procedure through which a robotic arm integrated theimplant into the patient’s mind. The public has yet to see direct results of the surgery, and neither thesubject’s face nor name. While Elon hasn’t exactly given direct evidence of the patient, he hasexclaimed that the subject is well, and healthy, and currently recovering from the procedure.
“Initial results show promising neuron spike detection,” says Elon Musk
The way it works is unlike anything humankind has yet to truly experience. The public has yetto know if possible negative side effects are an included result of the implant. But it seems likethis is truly the first device to be able to stimulate the human brain and use it to controltechnology. Along with being able to carry out simple tasks such as searching for informationonline or changing the channel on your tv. The results of the implant have shown to be able tocure blindness the possibilities are endless.
The results for the Implant seem to have been mostly positive overall. The ability to generate nerve functions inhumans who otherwise wouldn’t be able to seem promising for the future of our generation. While installing the implant iscompletely optional for the average human, it has the chance to become the next big thing everyone wants. It’s possible thatsooner or later everyone will have these in their head, but only time will tell.