A Lesson in Self-Defense

Gun safety has always been a matter of question, such as: where is the fine line for gun control and safety? Over the years, gun control has been more prominent, especially with an increase in crime for most states. California is a great example of gun control and safety, however some could say the state goes overboard with their laws.
Today, one barely hears about the good any firearm can do, such as self-defence. However, on Monday, March 27, Zachary Peters, shot and killed three burglars breaking into his father’s home. After breaking into the home, Peters noticed that they were armed with brass knuckles and a knife. Upon seeing this, Peters decided to take action and fired on the three with an AR-15 rifle. Two of the burglars were pronounced dead on impact and the other died on the homeowner’s driveway.
It was later announced by the Wagoner county sheriff that the three, fatally shot were underage. Elizabeth Rodriguez, who was driving the “getaway” car at the time, is now charged with three accounts of burglary and murder. At this time, her fate has not been decided by sheriff’s department. The homeowner’s son, who shot the burglars, was issued no charge on what he did for it was in his rights.
“A gun is meant to defend, and that is what it did,” said Ryley Sine (10).
Despite the tragic turn of events, a lesson can be learned from this. Rifles, indeed, can be used for evil deeds, when wielded by the wrong hands. However, there is so much a rifle, or any gun really can do that helps people. This includes hunting for food, recreation (fun), and as stated above, for self-defence.
According to Natural News and an study the site conducted about a law requiring citizens of Kennesaw, Georgia to have at least one firearm in their home.
“Kennesaw’s success with mandatory gun ownership parallels that of the European nation of Switzerland, where similar laws at the national level require individuals to own guns and ammunition. And just like in Kennesaw, Switzerland’s crime rate is among the lowest throughout Europe, which can be directly attributed to the country’s embedded culture of responsible gun ownership,” said Natural News in their article, “Kennesaw, Georgia requires gun ownership, and is one of the safest family towns in America.”
With the pressing matter of gun safety, this is a very interesting concept, that has been proven to yield a favorable product. Citizens keep their guns and crime rate goes down. However politics and people strongly disapprove of this concept. Many believe that a lower crime rate will be the effect of much lower gun ownership numbers.
“If there are more guns in a town, there is obviously going to be more crime. An example of this could be Chicago,” said Nat Mason (12).
This belief is common in many states, however, California plays a big part in this belief. There is no proper way to control guns in association to crime rate. In fact, there are many ways to approach the subject, such as taking the citizen’s gun or even giving all citizens guns. The subject is surrounded by differing view from different types of people. However, there is one part in all of this that people can agree on, a rifle is an ultimate source of self-defence and this event will not be forgotten any time soon.