City of Sin & Dynamic Duos Dances Clash

   A night we will all remember, and memories that we will never forget. An evening of sparkly dresses, posed pictures, and black jack: it was almost too good to be true this time around. However, the City of Sin and Dynamic Duo dances clashed, leaving students to choose what campus to go to for Homecoming.
   September 3rd to 8th was homecoming week for both Heritage High School and Liberty High School this year, and this left students pondering on what dance to go to, as many students previous to this year attended both events. However, both campus’ dances occurred on the night of September 8th, and many students had mixed feelings about this occurrence.
   “With both dances on the same day …  a pro was having to spend less money and only paying for one dance and not having to pay for two … but, the cons to this is that I had to choose to either hang out with friends or my girlfriend which was a hard thing to do,” said Diego Rodriguez (11).
    It became increasingly difficult on leadership students and faculty to be positive about the circumstance and continue to promote the event, as it is a very important tradition Heritage and Liberty follow. It left students across both campuses curious, was this a coincidence or by choice?
     “I don’t know it it was really either [coincidence or choice], …it wasn’t intentionally malicious but it was upsetting for some,” said Sydney Agrella (11 ).
     “I feel as though this was not a coincidence because both principals had to of been given emails from students or parents or maybe even staff about the dances being on the same day which I can infer that they probably ignored them and chose to keep the dances on the same day,” said Rodriguez.
   To clear up confusion, leadership has confirmed that this occurrence was out of miscommunication, as Heritage decided to plan the Homecoming week on a 4 day schedule to give Liberty the upper hand and Liberty did exactly the same thing.
      “Heritage decided to do their Homecoming week on a 4 day week [for Labor Day] so Liberty so could have it [Homecoming] on a 5 day week. However, Liberty decided to do it on a 4 day week as well,” said Brianne Arce Cuen (12).
   Prior to the homecoming dances, students were filled with a sense of satisfaction, as the dance was of course a night to remember, but they will not forget that fact that they missed out on one or the other.
   All in all, students should understand that all that could be done was done to make both of these events spectacular for everyone, and with the hard work of leadership and everyone who made these nights possible, they succeeded in making it a night we will never forget. As for this issue, it’s not an issue at all: it is not about what we cannot have, but rather what we make of it.