Looking for a Husband?
Season 24 of the Bachelor, which started Monday January 6th, 2020, is in full flight with Peter Weber as the captain. Weber works as a commercial pilot for Delta Air lines.He has taken time off to compete on season 15 of the Bachelorette and is still trying to find his copilot on this season of the Bachelor.
With Peter being one of the top three last season, returning fans are excited for what this season has to hold for their favorite person.
Vanessa Sequeria(12) likes that Peter is passionate and loves his family unconditionally.
“Peter is handsome[to be honest]. I like his dedication for his profession and his unconditional love for his family. I like how sweet and compassionate he is,” exclaimed Sequeria.
Even though Sequeria has these things that she likes about the new bachelor he, like most people, comes with some downsides. Some believe he is very forgiving and makes some choices that some viewers may see as moving too fast.
“I don’t like how willing he is to let Hannah[Brown] back into his life in a romantic way. It makes it seem like he’s okay with being tossed around and being third choice. I also don’t really like how quick he’s making out with so many of the women where there’s only been one episode but from what I’ve seen that’s not uncommon on the show,” stated Sequeria.
Even long time fans have problems with the show, like Olivia Greenway(12)
“I don’t like how some of it is either cheesy or staged. I get that it’s reality t.v. but sometimes it can be a little bit too fake,” stated Greenway.
“I like how entertaining the bachelor is. Putting a lot of girls in one house fighting for love and affection from one guy is bound to provide great entertainment,” expressed Greenway.
After the first night of the show which is filled with meeting all the girls, a rose ceremony, and a few dates, many people can pick a few top favorites or at least tell you who they don’t like.
“I don’t have a top person yet but I do have a few people that I like. I think that Victoria P is the sweetest but I don’t think I have a favorite yet,” said Kendall Jensen(12).
Everyone gets excited about one thing on one of their favorite shows whether it is meeting new people or seeing what is in store for returning characters. Jensen is hoping Peter finds love this season.
“I think I’m obviously looking forward to Peter finding love. I think he deserves it,” exclaimed Jensen.
The bachelor is off to a good start and has a lot in store for those who watch it every Monday night.
For recaps of the episode follow this link:
For recaps of the episode follow this link: