Link Crew welcomes freshman with FIT Orientation

Link Crew  welcomes freshman  with FIT  Orientation

Link crew was a huge success this year for both the leaders and freshmen. FIT definitely helped the freshmen fit in with the help of our upperclassmen who were once in the same position as the anxious new comers.

FIT, a program formed by the upperclassmen, helps the freshmen transition into the roller-coaster that is high school. Since high school can be scary and nerve-wracking for the youthful underclassmen, the experienced guide them to a fun-filled start of the year by playing numerous amount of games, getting to know one another, showing them around the campus, and building ever-lasting bonds.

Not only does this make freshmen Heritage feel like a safe environment, but it shows them that the upperclassmen are friendly and not these intimidating people that throw “freshmeat” into garbage cans.

Rachel Ybarra, 12th grader and link crew leader, said one of the highlights of being in Link crew and participating in FIT was “seeing the freshmen build relationships with each other”
In addition, another upperclassmen who went through the process of being an anxious freshmen, talked about her experience in FIT, “Although it was Heritage’s first year of Link crew forming and may have been a bit disorganized, it was still fun and I got to interact with the other freshmen,”

Another input another link crew leader, Maya Marquez (12) talked about her experience with the freshmen and how fun it was getting to know each of them through simple fun-filled games. These games helped the underclassmen branch out of their comfort zone. Marquez said, “The freshmen were easy to cooperate with, they were not too cool for the games and actually participated, ‘ In other words, of the guidance of the upperclassmen, FIT has helped the freshmen smoothly transition into an exciting journey that is ahead of them for high school.