AP Causes New Stress

Starting early on homework this year, so early for it to be Starting early on homework this year, so early for it to be over summer, Vicky Vers (12) did not stress about the assignments while Jules Farrar (12) did.
AP classes are college preparation courses that have lots of summer homework, leading to early stress and a harsh reality for the upcoming class that the student signed up for.
“AP classes are great because they give you college credits and all. What isn’t so great is the social stigma students face. They feel pressured into taking the classes and end up dropping the class because they can’t handle it,” Josie Blubaugh (12) said.
Even with the stress, some students enjoy the class and experience significantly.
“Even though I am super stressed in my AP art class, Mrs. Allen makes the class more fun and vibrant. She is just really inspirational and encouraging with everything we do. If you believe in yourself and apply yourself, you can take any AP class,” Vers said.
Some students still think otherwise; they are happy they took the class but wished there were changes to the class itself.
“AP English3 was great. I loved the class. The only “AP English3 was great. I loved the class. the only reason I am not taking AP English 4 is because I wanted the last summer I had in high school to myself, not my homework,” Katie Danielson (12) said.
Stress, homework and better grades are not the only things that come with taking an AP class in high school.
“I haven’t slept since school started,” Jaz Waters (12) jokingly said.
In order to take an AP class, you should know not to procrastinate, try halfheartedly, or fall behind.
“APUSH [AP U.S. History] was death I signed up for. Over summer, I had some time to myself but that was because I procrastinated on my work. It was really hard and stressful to finish it up because of those choices. The class and the content was great besides that,” Farrar said.
Many people that have taken AP classes before, ranging from AP Art to AP English, encourage students who want to but are afraid to take the class.
“If you want the college credits, take the classes. It’s really hard and you will have to have a lot of will to continue but it is worth it,” Kathryn Roark (12) said.
Even with all the joking around, AP classes could be easy for some and more difficult for others. They are college prep courses, keep that in mind when you sign up for your classes next year.