If Heritage High Decided the Future of Our Country

These last months of debates, banter, and now voting have been excruciatingly long for voters in the US. With the amount of publicity the two main candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have received it’s nearly impossible for teenagers to avoid gaining their own opinions. This in mind, multiple Heritage High teachers put together a mock election to see just where our fellow students stand “on the issues.”
Mr. Perry explains “with all the interest this election is pulling together it seemed like the right time to do it”. This is the first time Heritage High School students have gotten the opportunity to voice their opinions (anonymously, of course) on ballots.
Whether a student voted for Clinton, Trump, or a third party, they still made an impact in the election. Like it has always been said “One vote can make the difference” and as it shows in the results (listed below) some of the student’s votes came in pretty close to one another.
“The most interesting thing that came out it is that it shows we’re not that different from the rest of the country… it massively shows that there’s a sentiment of not being satisfied, so I think it’s a sign of change.” says Perry again when asked how this election represents our students.
Now for the main attraction, the results:
For President
Total Votes: 1,516
Jerry Stein: 100 votes, 6.59%
Hillary Clinton: 724 votes, 47.75%
Gloria LaRiva: 88 votes, 5.8%
Donald Trump: 457 votes, 20.15%
Gary Johnson: 147 votes, 9.7%
For US Senator
Total Votes: 1,308
Sanchez: 769 votes, 58.79%
Harris: 539 votes, 41.2%
For Proposition 51 (Public School Facility Bonds)
Total Votes: 1,507
Yes: 1,093 votes, 72.53%
No: 414 votes, 27.47%
For Proposition 54 (Public Display of Legislative Bills)
Total Votes: 1,411
Yes: 837 votes, 59.32%
No: 574 votes, 40.68%
For Proposition 55 (Extension of proposition 30)
Total Votes: 1,508
Yes: 879 votes, 58.29%
No: 629 votes, 47.71%
For Proposition 56 (Cigarette Tax)
Total Votes: 1,535
Yes: 1,188 votes, 77.39%
No: 347 votes, 22.61%
For proposition 58 (Bilingual Education Measure)
Total Votes: 1,429
Yes: 1,188 votes, 66.69%
No: 476 votes, 33.31%
For Proposition 59 (Overturn of Citizens United Act)
Total votes: 1,340
Yes: 655 votes, 48.88%
No: 685 votes, 51.12%
For Proposition 67 (Ban on Plastic Bags)
Total Votes: 1,344
Yes: 653 votes, 48.59%
No: 691 votes, 51.41%