Slightly Responsible, Mainly Irresponsible: Heritage’s The Government Inspector


No matter what the story or the way it is being told, human nature drives people to put faith in a character. They root for the hero, the underdog, or maybe even the villain, but generally people are always inclined to root for someone. The Government Inspector made people question how they could possibly root for any member of a greedy, self-obsessed group of corrupt government officials.

 Unlike the lighthearted musical that ended our 2016-17 school year, The Government Inspector was a cynical story, saying that “Life’s not fair, that’s just a fact of it.” The show had a unique perspective, contrasting the social classes.

 From an overly obese Director of Health to a naïve, fairytale-obsessed teen, the story took the general injustice of government to the extreme, while naturally highlighting that the desire for equality outweighs the desire for superiority.

 ”What impressed me the most,” said Mia Crannell (10) “was how real life situations were portrayed while also being a very light-hearted and funny performance.”

 Heritage’s The Rising Stars put on their first showing of their rendition of The Government Inspector on September 8th, filling the theater with endless jokes, and laughter.

 “I was very excited to see the show because I know multiple people involved,” said Colin Marfia (10) “I wanted to see how they (his friends) helped weave together the show”

 The set was composed of steps and railings leading up to a dusty pink and flesh-toned marble floor. The goal of Technical Director Mrs. Pedrotti was to create a “tacky, but opulent” home that suited the Mayor’s character.

 This “home” came to be thanks to the efforts of the passionate and diligent technical crew. “I was surprised by how much hard work and effort goes into these (productions),” said Crannell (10). And hard work is indeed essential to completing a project of this magnitude.

The cast and technical crews met every day for more than a month to prepare the story and setting that contributed to the world of The Government Inspector.

 “A show requires a lot of work,” said Marfia (10), “but I do have to admit the amount of work going into a Heritage performance is on the next level.”

 Overall, like most theater-driven projects, The Government Inspector hit the nail right on its head. The show was beautifully poetic, complete with an abrupt, reflective ending.